Carmen Guerrera

We were able to find multiple options for the work that we wanted to have at our publishing house’s office. It took very little time and effort for us to get the project done. Everything looks and works great! Although mainly commercial, they also offer a full service to all domestic uPVC and aluminium doors and windows. I appreciate the amazing job that you guys did for us, thanks!


  • Certificazione ISO 9001:2015 per il processo gestionale;
  • Marcatura CE per oscurante in base alla norma EN 13659;
  • Marcatura CE per finestre e porte pedonali come da norma EN 14351-1.

Attestati per l’installazione

  • Posatore posclima
  • Tecnico per la qualificazione del foro finestra.
Co. All. Serramenti
© 2024. All Rights Reserved

Via don Corchia, 5/B – 43013 Langhirano (PR)
T +39 0521 852 631 | F +39 0521 356 377
P. IVA 01968480341 | R.E.A. Parma 192109
Cap. Soc. sottoscritto e versato € 10.400